A source-less bar and ivy scroll for Seamus. I love doing scrolls for him, His heraldry features a rainbow-spotted flaming leopard, as it was the only way he could get heralds to pass something with ALL the colors (he's amused by being harmlessly annoying at times.) I like ALL the colors. He also like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Our baron at the time found the show obnoxious. So I drew Seamus battling the Dragonequus Discord, so our Baron would sign a My Little Pony scroll for Seamus.

It was a cold winter weekend at Table Rock State Park when we met for many people's favorite event, Yule Toy Tourney (where the site "fee" is a toy donation for Country Santa.) Maister Cian, the fine autocrat, had everything well in hand. It was a merry event, with an indoor snowball fight, a beautiful A&S display, an elegant feast, Meri Lwyd, a table full of baked goods, good deeds rightfully recognized, and of course Santa and Mrs. Claus spread their cheer. There were pink nosed fighters, giggling children, and merry chatter over fiber arts. After the festivities wound down, some of us stayed on site in dorm rooms. Sometime in the wee hours, I woke, wondering what silly person had turned down the thermostat - it was MOST chilly. As I woke further, I realized - the outdoor light was off. There was no hum of power. I snuggled close to my kids, keeping them warm until first light. When we woke, the walks were icy. The parking lot was snow and ice. Did Cian lose his cool? Not a bit. Almost everyone wanted to help, but he got those who were unable into that room with the fireplace, He got hot water for cocoa for the children. As the usual suspects packed up the site, Cian organized getting everyone out in an orderly, safe way, keeping everyone as warm as possible. So when I was assigned his Frayed Knot scroll for autocratting that event, I giggled and giggled. I know not whether the deer on his heraldry is supposed to be a hunter's prey or representative of Cian, but I found the most exasperated deer I could find in period manuscripts. I attempted a hand as close to half-uncial as I could manage.