Ginevra's Gordian Knot
Source: Royal 12 C VIII f. 3v
This was the first scroll I was tempted to keep for myself. I didn't know much about Ginevra's taste, but her name said Italian, and a friend said she loved tea cups, so, the most tea-cup inspired scroll I can muster!

Sven's Gordian Knot
Multiple runestones as sources
Early period is NOT my forte. I initially made this scroll as a clay tablet, but it broke.

Beornwyn Bjornsdottir's AoA
No Source
Commissioned by her Peer.

Seifried Wolfhart's Opal
No Source
My first black hours scroll.
Homemade ink, Winsor and Newton Watercolors, Coliro gold watercolors

Interbaronial Armored Champions Award for War of the Wings 14
Source was a mid-16th map

Ihone Munro's Golden Dolphin
Based on a 1540s map of Scotland
I was over the moon about this assignment. I love nautical things, cartography, and Scotland. (Scroll was not flat for pictures, but the border-lines ARE straight.)