Starting to get a little better at things, and was no longer feeling nervous about submitting scrolls. Instead of "doing some scrolls", I started saying I'm a scribe.

Award: Frayed Knot
Recipient: Brendan O'Caiside
Persona-appropriate, featuring our then-Baron, and his now-wife.
Yates Thompson MS 26, fol. 26r

Award: Coill's Muse
Recipient: Olaf Stamkopf
Two wildly different exemplars were used, Bruges for the wood, and a far earlier piece for the brewing portion.
Add MS 27695, fol. 14r
Ms. Ludwig IX 18 (83.ML.114), fol. 65

Award: Golden Cord
Recipient: ElisabethVon Basel
Based on a late period Swiss document.

Award: Golden Cord
Recipient: Dominus Maximus
Source: Column of Trajan

Award: AoA
Recipient: Rose Redd
Source: Ms. Ludwig IX 13, fol. 4
This marks my transformation from jittery "am... am I allowed to do this?" to "hey, I AM a scribe!" And the same event where this went out, I received my Coral Branch.